How Do We Proceed?
If you are interested in any of our program, please contact us and we will schedule an initial meeting so you can learn more about the treatment options and services that we offer.
For Child Related Service:
Please send us standardized assessment results, school reports, or any other reports that will provide us with a basic understanding of your child. It will help us to prepare the appropriate materials and structure our screening session with your child.
For Other Services:
We will gather information about the service that you are looking for over the phone so we can prepare for your initial consultation.
For Child Related Service:
We will ask you to bring your child for the screening. We recommend that you bring along another adult that your child is comfortable with for supervision while we have a thorough discussion of your areas of concerns. In our initial consultation and screening, we will assess your child’s behaviors and skills level in our setting. We will then collect other developmental and medical information from you. The combination of information gathering and direct observation will enable us to give you a professional opinion of where your child is in terms of development, what are the appropriate treatment options and school placements that are available for him.
If you decide that Kids Connect’s service is a fit for you or your child, we will plan to transition your child into our service and schedule a time to start the service.
We will maintain ongoing communication with you after the commencement of the program. Email will be the most common form of our communication so we can update your child’s progress and involve multiple parties in his or her learning environment.
We will conduct a formal meeting with you to review your child’s progress when he or she has been enrolled for a month. The individualized clinical or educational plan will be developed by then and we will discuss with you about the short – term and long – term learning goals for your child.
We will implement the individualised programs identified by the Individualized Educational or Clinical Plan. We will adopt evidence - based practice and strategies and monitor your child's progress through data collection and analysis on a regular basis. You can expect us to keep you informed and updated about how each session went. We will also suggest activities to do at home to promote skills development and generalisation on a regular basis.