Social Thinking
Social Interactions
Social Relationship
Social Communication
Social Techniques
A very popular program!
Learn about social rules, social boundaries, social manners, social cues and social etiquette.
A combination of games, activities, projects and parties to fully capture the children's interest.
Our Social Club is where our children want to be on Saturdays!
Why Join
This Program
Why join this program?
Social skills are the life skills that we use everyday to communicate and interact with other people, both individually and in groups.
People who have strong social skills are usually more successful in both their professional and personal lives.
Who Join
This Program
Who joins this program?
Children ranging from age 7 - 12, who have fluent English proficiency and wish to further enhance their social and emotional development.
The child will be assessed for compatibility with the program.
Foundations of the Program
Why is this program unique?
This is the ONLY program in HK that facilitates the development of social skills through lots of experimental learning, real life situations and practical methodologies.
Expectation of the Program
What can I expect from this?​
Your child will have the opportunities to practice group participation, organizing social activities, public speaking, and collaborative projects.
We are interested. ​
How do I start the process?
Please go to Admission and fill in the Background Information Form. We will then contact you within 24 hours to schedule a trial session to assess whether your child is suitable for the program.
How are the activities run?​
All the activities are run in a combination of 1) Partner Time,
2) Small Group and 3) Big Group.
The sessions are on every Saturday from 9:15 am - 11:45 am.
Examples of
Social Emotional Development